What word is the more "bellicose"?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Conserve, Reuse, Recycle"

Semrau’s article, “Conserve, Reuse, Recycle”, tells the reader that it is important to use what you have till you cannot use it any longer. He also says if you cannot use it anymore, give it to someone who can make good use of it. He makes the point of, “Quite simply, use what you have until it can no longer function.” In the end of the article, he says that he is going to Harvard Medical School to fulfill his job of using everything to the fullest. He is volunteering his body for the use of science, by giving it to them when he dies. He intentionally leaves this out till the end and it greatly impacts the story. By leaving it out it creates suspense and wonder in the reader and makes the article much more interesting. If you knew he was going to medical school to be a cadaver, the reader probably would not be as interested as if he said he was 75 years old and going to medical school. Him waiting until the end to tell the reader this makes them want to keep reading and find out how he is going to attend medical school.

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Savor of the Nations Come"

The theme of hymn 332 in the Lutheran Service Book, Savior of the Nations Come is praise God for what he has done for you. Jesus came to save us and we should glorify Him for doing so. Luther mentions that He is a wondrous child and that He is “glorious in His light divine.” Luther says that we should praise God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit because They have all done marvelous acts for us. He also says, “Though by all the world disowned, Still to be in heaven enthroned”.  This shows that God loves us so much that He will always be there even if we don’t want to have a relationship with Him. He uses diction very well in this hymn. He uses words like marvelous and glorious to describe God. This makes the meaning so much more powerful because it shows that God is that great He can be called these words.  Luther also uses pathos. He says “captive leading death and hell.” This shows that the Lord can give you eternal damnation but He doesn’t because He loves us. Luther’s hymn shows what God has done for us and how we should glorify Him.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Edwards and Borghardt

1. Jesus is used 23 times. They use verbs like slain, saved,died, rose, reins, grabs, holds, blesses, and makes.

2.Edwards’ and Borghardt’s themes were very different and basically opposites. Jesus was mentioned many more times in Borghardt’s sermon than Edwards’. Edwards’ sermon was all about the law of God where everyone is damned. He says that since we are all sinners we are going to hell. He barely talks about Jesus and when he does, He is briefly mentioned. Borghardt’s sermon was all about Jesus Christ. He said that Jesus died for us and saved us from hell. He talks about Jesus in a way to glorify Him and praise Him for what he has done for us.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mitch Albom's "It's Not Race, Lebron James, But it Might Be You"

In Mitch Albom's article, "It's not race, Lebron James, but it might be you"  he makes the point that race is not the way to cover up for having a big ego and the cause of criticism. He says that "If people shamefully want to grab race as a parachute to safety, they'll do it." People in our society blame race for a lot of problems and consider it the "easy way out" of situations. They blame race when really it is the athlete's ego and decisions that are to blame. I agree with Albom's point because this is true about our American society. We always make decisions on race and blame it for the cause of criticism. Also, he points out that people are not going to stop liking someone because of their skin color. We all make bad decisions and skin color is not going to be the determining factor of us liking them or not. "The moment you suggest someone is motivated by a prejudice, you can never prove it wrong, and you can always attack the accuser." We can always blame the accusing person for assuming the cause is race but we never get mad at society for believing it. Albom uses Lebron voted as MVP as an example of society ignoring race. He says that race was never an issue when he was voted MVP and it will never be. But, when Lebron made his donation to charity on TV he says it was just part of his ego that wanted one good hour on TV doing the right thing. He ends his article saying that Lebron's ratings have gone down and that it is not just because he is black. He didn't lose his fame because just white people bailed out. I agree with his main point that race should not be the question asked when it is not necessary.