What word is the more "bellicose"?

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Savor of the Nations Come"

The theme of hymn 332 in the Lutheran Service Book, Savior of the Nations Come is praise God for what he has done for you. Jesus came to save us and we should glorify Him for doing so. Luther mentions that He is a wondrous child and that He is “glorious in His light divine.” Luther says that we should praise God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit because They have all done marvelous acts for us. He also says, “Though by all the world disowned, Still to be in heaven enthroned”.  This shows that God loves us so much that He will always be there even if we don’t want to have a relationship with Him. He uses diction very well in this hymn. He uses words like marvelous and glorious to describe God. This makes the meaning so much more powerful because it shows that God is that great He can be called these words.  Luther also uses pathos. He says “captive leading death and hell.” This shows that the Lord can give you eternal damnation but He doesn’t because He loves us. Luther’s hymn shows what God has done for us and how we should glorify Him.

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